Science Fair 2017 Pictures

Thank you to our sponsors!!

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Science Fair

Make this event possible, donate any amount to cover the following:

  • 90 meals for that day at $2 each: $180
  • Candy and bags for prizes: $45
  • 5 medals for winners at $5 each:  $2
  • Nachos for winners: $25
  • Rally games’ materials: $15
  • Diplomas to recognize their effort: $5

Whatever amount you choose to donate will be appreciated!

Science Day

Friday May 22nd our school had the annual Science Day. All students participated with a total of 25 Science projects.

First prize was won by an Hydraulic robot made by first year students.

Primer lugar100_0219Second prize was won by a Solar Lamp made by third year students.

  Segundo lugar  (1)
We also had a Science rally and this is the team that won first prize.

Rally, Primer lugar
T-Shirts and all prizes for students were donated.

Thank you Sponsors for your generosity!!