Thanks to your support 19 students will graduate in July 2017.
These are their hopes and dreams:

Citlalie Alvarez Magallanes (14 years old): At Panamerican Institute, I learned to value friendship, have respect for others and be organized; I want to continue growing as a person, I want to learn to think before I speak, to not be lazy and not worry so much about aspects of my life I cannot change right away. I am proud of myself for working on becoming a better person. I want to continue my education and become a Pharmaceutical Chemist; I also want to learn how to play guitar. I plan to work as a waitress so I can pay for my education. Thank you to my sponsors for helping me these 3 years to get an excellent education here at PAI, I hope that good comes your way!

Danna Valeria Beltrán Acosta (15 years old): I am proud of myself for graduating from secondary school with good grades. I want to study Administration and to do that I must move to the state of Sinaloa and stay with family members who have the financial situation to support me during my Preparatory school years because my parent cannot afford it. I want to join the Marching Band because I like the organization they have. I plan to work as soon as I get settled so I can help with my school expenses. In 10 years, I picture myself graduating from the University and being independent. I am very grateful to my sponsors for helping me these years, it was a pleasure to have met you.

Melissa Alejandra Beltrán Medrano (14 years old): I will remember the lessons I learned here at PAI: to make an effort in order to accomplish my goals and to know that I will always have people beside me supporting me every step of the way. I feel proud of myself for learning English, when I started classes I barely knew the language and now I understand a lot of it. I would like to study to become a Dentist because I am amazed by how our teeth can change during any kind of treatment; I want to have my own office. I want to start working at Preparatory school but later on I want to work in a Dentist’s Office to learn. I know that I will have my teachers from PAI, my parents and my friends to support me in life, but I also must learn to ignore all the bad comments about me and to have more hope. In 10 years, I see myself single in my own home, with a car and a dog, and, of course, helping my mother with her expenses. I thank my sponsors for their support; I hope they can continue helping other students like me at Panamerican Institute.

Alvin Antonio Chávez Fonseca (14 years old): My teachers at PAI taught me the importance of values such as respect, humbleness and honesty. One thing that I will remember is the time I fell in the Computer Laboratory, it hurt but it was also funny. At Preparatory school, I want to study Clinical Analysis and join the Karate club, and at the University I want to study to become a Pharmaceutical Chemist. I want to start working when I turn 15 years old to help my family. In 10 years, I want to have a steady job and start my own family. Thank you to my “adopted” sponsor for the support to my family and this school.

Daniela Chávez Jiménez (14 years old): I feel proud to be a Panamerican Institute graduate because of all the things I learned here, even how to sweep and clean. I want to study Accounting, since I learned the basics here at PAI and I liked it, I think it will be easy. At Preparatory school I want to join the Soccer team, and at the University I want to take a Photography class. I plan to start working at my third semester of Preparatory school to pay my own expenses and that way, help my parents. I want to thank my sponsors for the help, even though I never met you I feel great affection for you; I wish you the best in life.

José Alfredo Contreras Rodríguez (14 years old): During these 3 years I learned to get along with everyone and to love myself just the way I am. I want to improve my attitude towards my friends and leave some bad friendships behind. I would like to study to become a Dentist, because I am agile with my hands. At Preparatory school, I want to join the Guitar club because I like to sing and play the guitar; and at the University I want to join the Soccer team because I have liked that sport since I was little. I would like to work as a waiter during Preparatory school. In 10 years, I see myself having fun and going out to concerts with my best friend.

Marisol Cruz Gómez (14 years old): At this school, I learned to be punctual and respectful to others. At Preparatory school I want to study Clinical Analysis and join the Soccer team, at the University I want to study to become a Veterinarian because I like to help all animals. I plan to work at my godmother’s grocery store during Preparatory school to pay for my own expenses. I would like to make a change on how I talk to my teachers and classmates, and to get rid of all the negativity in my life. In 10 years, I picture myself very happy because I graduated from my dream career at the University and have a job in that field. Thank you so much to my sponsors, thank you for the gifts and cards you sent me.

Évelin Cuevas Nicolás (15 years old): Here, I was taught to get along with everyone and to value everyone’s time. I am proud of myself for always having good grades and good behavior. At the Preparatory school I want to study Social Work and join the Marching Band, I also want to get a job. At the University, I want to study Law because there is a lot of injustice in this country and I want to make a change in people. In the future, I would like to spend more time with my family because later I want to live in Canada and travel to Australia. I appreciate the support from my sponsors, I am very happy that Panamerican Institute has people like you to help them.

Yisel Espino Becerra (15 years old): Here at PAI, my teachers taught me to value the opportunities that life gives you. At the Preparatory school, I want to study Clinical Analysis because I like analyzing substances and find out what they are composed of; I also want to get a job. At the University, I want to study to become a Pharmaceutical Chemist because I find this career very interesting. I want to improve myself and control my anger. In the future; I want to live in a house with a pool, a car and dogs with my best friend. I am grateful to my “adopted”sponsor for everything she has done for me, even though I didn’t know you well I appreciate you a lot; thank you for coming to support me at Science Fair.

Estefani Flores Navarrete (15 years old): I am proud of myself for learning to move on from my mistakes and not give up so easily. I plan to leave behind all the people who have made me feel bad and told me that I wasn’t going to accomplish my goals. I want to study Odontology because since I was a little girl I like what dentists do, I also want to join the Volleyball team. In the future, I see myself with my own office and living with my best friend.

Sofía Saraí Herrera Villanueva (14 years old): During these 3 years at PAI, I learned to improve my character and to make long lasting friendships. I want to study Communication and join the Swimming team and the Photography club. I want to start working as soon as I enroll into Preparatory school. In 10 years, I see myself studying for a Master’s Degree and working. Thank you to my sponsors for helping me get an education and helping me with my future.

Esbreidy Yuritzi Laija Castañeda (14 years old): I would like to study Nutrition and join the Karate club at Preparatory school. At the University I want to study Sports because I want to become a P. E. teacher someday. I plan to work as a waitress during Preparatory school. In the future, I see myself married with a daughter and still hanging out with my friends from PAI.

Sebastián Márquez Bautista (14 years old): Panamerican Institute taught me to be responsible and how to type quickly and correctly. I plan to study Accounting at Preparatory school and Administration at University. I also plan to work in an office related to my career. In 10 years, I picture myself living with my best friend in a big house.

Fernanda Vianeth Mendoza Reyes (15 years old): I am proud to have learned Math very well and to have become an organized and responsible person. I want to study Accounting at Preparatory school because it relates to Administration, which is what I want to study at the University, I also want to join the Cheerleading squad. I already work as a babysitter and I want to continue working to pay for my expenses. In the future, I would like to have more trust in my family because I think that would make me a better person. In 10 years, I imagine myself working as the Manager or even the CEO of a company. I want to thank my “adopted” sponsor for the support and attention.

Évelin Danahí Miranda Gómez (14 years old): Here at PAI, I learned to get along better with other people. At Preparatory school I want to study Clinical Analysis because since I was a little girl I found it very interesting and also join the Dance club. I plan to work in a pharmacy with my godmother during Preparatory school. At the University, I want to study to become a Veterinarian or a Dentist. Thank you for sponsoring me and giving me the opportunity to finish my education and obtain the knowledge I need for my future.

Ignacio Rodríguez García (16 years old): I want to fulfill my late mother’s dream of finishing my education; I want to study Accounting because I think it is interesting. I would like to work as soon as I enroll into Preparatory school, and look for a better place to live. In the future I want to live with my best friend in a big house.

Yesenia Lizbeth Vega Pesina (14 years old): I am proud of myself for learning to be more responsible and respectful, also for having good grades all through Secondary school. I want to study International Business because I would like to work in other countries and learn other languages. I already have a job at my parents’ pizza stand at the flea market so I can help them with the bills. In 10 years, I see myself traveling to Europe and visiting Venice with my mother. After I travel I plan to get married and have two children: a boy and a girl.

Oscar Bernardino Vera Cortéz (15 years old): At PAI, I learned to be more organized and to not worry so much about what people say about me. I would like to leave all my emotional troubles behind me and grow up. A fun memory at school was when the lights went off at the Computer Laboratory and my friend screamed very loud, we all laughed and also started to scream. I want to study Clinical Analysis at Preparatory school and Medicine at the University because since I was a little boy I wanted to be a doctor and help other people. I plan to continue working at the flea market, as I do now, to pay for my own expenses. Thank you very much to my sponsors for helping me with my education, for all the gifts and for the chance to meet you.

Ricardo Alain Verdugo Ramírez (15 years old): Panamerican Institute taught me a lot of things: to be more respectful, responsible, dedicated, friendly, sharing and less shy. I am proud of my good grades. I would like to change the way I speak to people so I can avoid problems in the future. I want to study Architecture and join a team, Photography, Football or Swimming. I want to start working when I turn 16 years old at a fast food restaurant. In 10 years, I imagine myself traveling with my future wife and owning a house on a mountain or forest. Thank you to my sponsors for your support, letters and gifts.
If you want to help any of these students through their Preparatory Schooling, you can do it by donating through the Advanced Study Program.